Aktion Club travels to Indianapolis

Aktion ClubMembers of the Raccoon Valley Aktion Club attended the national Training and Leadership Conference in Indianapolis June 26-27.

Kiwanis international president John Button was on hand, as well as Katie Griffin, director of Aktion Clubs for Kiwanis International. Workshops were provided at the conference on topics like self-advocacy, health and wellness, and team building.

David Desanctis, who plays the role of Produce in the movie “Where Hope Grows” was there for a special showing of the movie. “Where Hope Grows” tells the story of a baseball player whose professional career was cut short due to his personal problems is being awakened and motivated by  a young man with Down syndrome who works at the local grocery store. Desanctis is the grocery store employee.

Every Aktion Club there gave a presentation. For the Raccoon Valley club’s presentation, Jessica Wolf told of the club’s Eliminate campaign against maternal and neonatal tetanus; Mindy Bassett told of the club’s work with the Memorial Day Avenue of Flags; Tonya Hagge told of the club’s fundraising popcorn sales; and Brenda Batschelet told of the club’s Relay for Life activities. Club member Matt Bradley provided moral support, and the five did the club cheer together.

Every club received a trophy and all Aktion Club members received medals. Aktion Club advisors Tom Duncan and Hollie Roberts, both members of the Jefferson Kiwanis Club,  accompanied them.

Aktion Club in IndiPictured are (front, from left) John Button, Mindy Bassett, Jessica Wolf, Brenda Batschelet and Tonay Hagge; and (back, from left) Katie Griffin and Matt Bradley.



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